By author > Hattenberger Gautier

Designing human-drone interactions with the Paparazzi UAV System
Jérémie Garcia  1  , Anke Brock  1  , Nicolas Saporito  1  , Gautier Hattenberger  2  , Xavier Paris  2  , Michel Gorraz  2  , Yannick Jestin  2  
1 : ENAC - Laboratoire dÍnformatique Interactive
Ecole Nationale de l'Aviation Civile
2 : Ecole Nationale de l'aviation Civile
Ecole Nationale de l'Aviation Civile - ENAC

This paper presents the Paparazzi Unmanned Aircraft Vehicles (UAV) system and its use for designing novel interaction techniques for human-drone interactions. Paparazzi is a complete system of open source hardware and software for UAVs, including both the airborne autopilot as well as complete ground station mission planning and monitoring software utilizing a bi-directional data link for telemetry and control. We describe three examples of interactive systems built with Paparazzi to illustrate its capabilities to create new interactive UAV systems: augmented-reality glasses for safety pilots, adaptable interactions for pilots with disabilities and embedded interactions.

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