By author > Königstorfer Ekaterina

Exploring Cognitive Load of Single and Mixed Mental Models Gesture Sets for UAV Navigation
Martin Hitz  1  , Ekaterina Königstorfer  1  , Ekaterina Peshkova  1  
1 : Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt [Klagenfurt, Austria]

We compare four gesture sets for controlling a UAV in terms of cognitive load, intuitiveness, easiness, learnability, and memorability, by means of users' subjective feedback. Additionally, we evaluate the level of cognitive load associated with each gesture set under study using dual-task
performance measures (errors and response time) and time perception. Our participants used all four gesture sets under study in a Wizard of Oz based simulated environment. Results confirm our hypothesis that mixed mental model gesture sets perform worse than single mental model gesture sets in terms of all the considered attributes. However, we did not find a significant difference in cognitive load between the three classes of mental models identified in our previous work.

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