By author > Kono Michinari

Shooting Swimmers Using Aerial and Underwater Drone for 3D Pose Estimation
Kohei Toyoda  1  , Michinari Kono  1  , Jun Rekimoto  1, 2  
1 : The University of Tokyo
2 : Sony Computer Science Laboratories [Tokyo, Japan]

Methods of 3D pose estimation using RGB cameras have been studied in recent years. They are used for sports to improve athletes' abilities and techniques by providing visual feedback. However, they still can be difficult to be used for swimming. This results from several problems, such as the difficulty of camera installation or tracking and the disturbance of bubbles and other optical issues due to the characteristics of water. To address these issues, we propose a method for shooting videos of swimmers using multiple drones. We aim to realize 3D pose estimation by using videos shot from the top and under the water with aerial and underwater drones.

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